Why Brookstone? Because Travels Abound!

We’ve had lots of students packing suitcases lately! From historic Savannah, Georgia to the Andros Islands, our students have so many opportunities to travel, it’s impossible to do them all!

Enjoy these pictures from the recent trips! They will make you want to get up and GO!

Our Marine Biology class traveled to Andros Island in the Bahamas to study invertebrates. It’s just a shame that place is not pretty.

Our Advanced Film Class made its 5th trip to New York City to compete in the All-American High School Film Festival. The class spends the first part of the semester writing and casting an original screenplay here at school and then travels to NYC to shoot, edit, and produce the film in 72 hours. It is a grueling endeavor, but so worthwhile to see your name in lights and have your very own MOVIE premiered for all the world to see! Films are judged and winners are announced at the Teen Indie Awards.


Another cool thing that happened to this group while in New York, as if shooting a movie wasn’t cool enough…As they were filming in Central Park, a man walking by recognized the Brookstone sweatshirt and stopped to ask them if they were from Brookstone. Lo and behold, he was a Brookstone alumnus himself, Anderson Harp, Class of 2000, who now lives and works in New York City. What a small world!

Our 8th graders traveled to the spectacular mountains of North Carolina to hike and camp and spend some time out of their comfort zones. What adventures and stories they now have to tell and what good time they had getting to know their classmates and teachers in a much more meaningful way.

Our 7th graders headed East to the beautiful historic city of Savannah to learn more about the history of our great state and nation!



And last but not least, our 6th graders traveled to The Rock Ranch, not too far from home, to enjoy a day of outdoor adventure and fall fun!

Needless to say, the plethora of travel opportunities available to our students is just one more reason #WhyBrookstone! And needless to say, I am officially jealous. I would like to have gone on ANY of those wonderful trips and this was just in one week’s time!

Why Brookstone? This is why.

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